We are children of God, so we have access to the infinite treasury of God’s grace.
We are children of God, so we have access to the infinite treasury of God’s grace.
At every Mass in November, Father MacEachen will have a special intention for all who have died and whom we wish to have remembered.
You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind
The Living with Christ Sunday Mass books for 2021 are available for sale at the back of the church.
Founded in 1896, Loyola High School is seeking an experienced, collaborative, Ignatian leader for the position of President.
Lord, may your will that we share well the goods of the world be done.
Weekday prayer sessions continue this month and into the Fall, Monday through Friday, from 10:30AM to 11:15AM
Pope Francis invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for the Propagation of the Faith.
Salt + Light will be broadcasting the English Mass celebrated at Mary Queen of the World across Canada.
The stewardship way of life: assured of the grace we need to more closely imitate the actions and attitudes of Christ.