Liturgy of the Word for Children
The Liturgy of the Word is available for children of preschool and elementary age every Sunday throughout the school year during the 10:30 Mass.
The Liturgy of the Word is available for children of preschool and elementary age every Sunday throughout the school year during the 10:30 Mass. In this program, children celebrate the liturgy of the Word at their own level of understanding. They leave to celebrate this part of the Mass in the Parish Room, and rejoin the congregation during the Liturgy of the Eucharist after the homily. All children are welcome to participate, including visitors to the parish.
Faith Development for Children
A diocesan approved program is offered in our parish to all children of elementary school age (and some older).
Our program uses the “at home” approach, with parents as the primary educators of their children, supported by a team of trained catechists, who meet with the children on a regular basis during the school year.
This program also prepares the children for the sacraments of:
– First Communion
– First Reconciliation
– Confirmation
Adult Faith Development
Short courses and small faith sharing groups are currently being developed on a variety of faith and spiritual development topics to meet the needs of the adults in our parish, including parents and seniors.
These will be announced from time to time in the parish bulletin and billboards. All parishioners are welcome to join in these groups.