We are a volunteer SATB choir singing a varied repertoire of sacred music with a focus on polyphony of the Renaissance through the modern era, in addition to leading the sung worship of our community at the Sunday liturgies.
We pursue a two-fold vision of glorifying God with the finest musical offering we can bring and of creating a place where the vibrant community life of our parish can flourish. We are a warm and welcoming choir that enjoys being together and singing together. We have many events throughout the year, like vocal workshops, diocesan gatherings and retreats.
In addition to being a deeply fulfilling experience, singing with the choir is also an enriching musical education (it is also free of charge). Over the years, we have had great success incorporating younger singers ages eight and up. Currently, about a fifth of our membership consists of youth in their teens.
Furthermore, the rich communal life of the choir is something we wish to extend to the broader community. Though we sing sacred music exclusively, we welcome any non-Catholics who wish to share the joy of singing with us.