DECEMBER 6, 2020
From the Diocese: An Advent microsite, just for you!
The Diocese of Montreal has prepared a special microsite dedicated to Waiting in Joyful Hope and Welcoming Hope and Joy to help you and your families prepare for Advent and Christmas from your own home and at your own pace.
Through a series of playlists, we invite you to dive deeper into the meaning of Advent and Christmas celebration in your own “home church.”
These playlists contain suggestions of things to do, watching, listening and praying as we prepare our hearts for God’s coming as a little child and are divided into 4 categories:
– children/families,
– teens,
– young adults and
– adults.
We encourage you to visit the microsite at:
NOVEMBER 22, 2020
Seeking an experienced, collaborative, Ignatian leader.
Loyola High School is seeking an experienced, collaborative, Ignatian leader for the position of President. Founded in 1896, Loyola High School is a Catholic, Jesuit, all-boys university preparatory school in Montreal.
As Loyola approaches its 125th year steeped in tradition, we are seeking a new president with “eyes on the future.”
To view a detailed position description and to apply, visit
OCTOBER 4, 2020
Mary Queen of the World Basilica:
Sunday & Daily televised Mass in English
Salt + Light will be broadcasting the English Mass celebrated at Mary Queen of the World across Canada.
Mass is celebrated daily at 8:30am and Sunday at 8:00am.
Bishop Thomas Dowd has called on Catholic Action to reach out to our English-Speaking Catholic community to participate in this new and exciting project.
They need English lectors, one reader per service as is the current protocol.
Contact Judy Wong at jwong@catholicaction.caru
The diocese has created a spiritual help‑line to offer support during the pandemic: 1‑888‑305‑0994.
Our Archdiocese has also set up a web page designed to provide ongoing relevant information amid current COVID‑19 concerns, including the latest guidelines, related articles and spiritual resources >>>