June 30, 2024
Relics of Saint Padre Pio at Missione Maria Ausiliatrice
On August 2nd and 3rd, 2024, Missione Maria Ausiliatrice will be hosting and venerating five relics of St. Padre Pio.
Come and celebrate this very special event with venerations, special Mass and a witness talk.
There is no cost, a freewill donation is appreciated.
More information at: www.mmaparish.ca
Missione Maria Ausiliatrice
8550 Joliot-Curie,
Montréal QC H1E 4C3
Phone: 514 648-9424
Email: info@mmaparish.ca
June 2, 2024
Picnic gathering:
Come celebrate our Consecrated community
On Saturday, June 22, 2024, everyone in Consecrated Life serving within our Archdiocese (and anyone who wishes to join) is warmly invited to a community picnic at Parc Jarry from 11 AM to 2 PM.
We hope this occasion can help provide an opportunity for our greater consecrated community to come together in fellowship and make consecrated life more visible in the heart of the city. Archbishop Christian Lépine will be present. We hope to see you there!
Participation is free, but registration is required
For further information, please contact
the diocesan Office for Consecrated Life at:
438-394-5996, ext. 288 or 289
May 14, 2024
A Message for Pentecost 2024 from Montreal’s Archbishop Lépine
Archbishop Lépine reminds us this Pentecost of the wonders and marvels of God, and that we are the work of His hands.
When God “sends forth His Spirit, He renews the face of the earth.” Psalm 104
“They were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke of the marvels of God.” – Acts 2: 4, 11
April 14, 2024
Three Canadian priests to participate in Synod’s International Meeting of Priests in Rome
The Holy See announced a worldwide meeting of priests as part of the Synod on Synodality to be held this spring in Rome. Three hundred priests, sent by the Bishops’ Conferences and the Oriental Catholic Churches, will participate in a global meeting of listening, prayer and discernment, entitled: “Parish Priests for the Synod: An International Meeting,” to be held on April 28-May 2.
At the request of the Holy See, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) was asked to submit a list of priests who have been involved in promoting synodality in their local parishes in order to send to the meeting. The Permanent Council of the CCCB selected the following three priests to represent Canada:
Rev. Fabio DeSouza
Diocese of Calgary
Pastor, Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Rev. Pierre Ducharme, O.F.M.
Diocese of Vancouver
Pastoral, St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Richmond
Rev. Daniel Ouellet
Diocese of Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière
Pastor, priest-moderator of the Unité Missionnaire de l’Ouest of the diocese of Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière
March 31, 2024
A salute to the contribution of the Irish in Montreal.
The Annual Luncheon of the St. Patrick’s Society of Montreal (SPS) took place on Friday, March 15, 2024, at the Centre Sheraton in downtown Montreal. That was two days before the feast day of St. Patrick, March 17, 2024, the day of the Green Mass at St. Patrick’s Basilica.
Many members of the Catholic Community of Montreal were among the hundreds gathered for the occasion, sporting various shades of green, the unofficial and emblematic colour of Ireland, representing the shamrock, which, St. Patrick is reputed to have used to explain the mystery of the Trinity. Representatives included the Foundation for Catholic Community Services, the English-speaking Catholic Council, Pillars Trust, St. Patrick’s Basilica, St. Veronica Parish, Jesus Light of the World Parish, Holy Family Parish, St. Patrick’s Foundation, Momentum, and employees at the Archdiocesan offices, 2000, Sherbrooke Street West.
The occasion also marked the 190th anniversary of the SPS Society and attracted many dignitaries including Micheál Martin, Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister of Ireland) & Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ireland; Joe Hackett, Secretary General, Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland; and His Excellency Éamonn McKee, Ambassador of Ireland to Canada; Grand Chief of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke, Grand Chief Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer; Sterling Downey, representing the Mayor of Montreal and City Councillor for the district of Desmarchais-Crawford, Borough of Verdun; and James Maloney, Member of Parliament for the riding of Etobicoke-Lakeshare and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Kevin Callahan, member of the SPS board and Chair of the Luncheon committee opened the event with a Land Acknowledgement, acknowledging the gratitude of the Canadian Irish for the support of the First Nations during the Gorta Mór, the Great Hunger, 1845-1850.
The Tánaiste toasted the island of Ireland in a speech that underscored the similarities between our two nations, the close ties due to similar histories, political, religious, and economic, and the strength of the current economic collaboration.
Father Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar to the English-speaking Catholic community of Montreal and Reverend Dr. Glen Chestnut said an Irish blessing and grace before the meal was served.
The Guest of Honour and Keynote Speaker, Eoin Ó hÓgáin, is an Irishman from Kilkenny, Ireland, living in Montreal for the past eight years and working at Power Sustainable where he is partner and Chief Investment Officer. Father of three girls, he is a catechist at the parish of Ascension of our Lord and a member of the board of the Foundation for Canadian Irish Studies. Passionate about the protection and promotion of the Irish language and a polyglot himself, he is raising his daughters with Irish.
Mr. Ó hÓgáin’s keynote address raised a standing ovation as he eloquently spoke about Saint Patrick, situating the patron saint of Ireland in a social, political, economic, and religious context akin to our current reality. Speaking of Saint Patrick, Mr. Ó hÓgáin said that ‘It took one mad zealot to dramatically change the course of history, and to bring a thing of beauty out of the ruins of Roman collapse,’ that is, the heritage of the land of saints and scholars that has had a broad influence ever since. He highlighted lessons to be learned for our times, including reminding us how ‘Canadians responded to the Irish immigration and disease crisis with resolution, humanity, and no small amount of personal courage,’ even to the point of death (including 7 of the 40 Soeurs Grises and Montreal’s mayor Mills). On the socio-political front, Mr. Ó hÓgáin recognized the impact of those Irish refugees, brave workers, adventurers, thinkers had on the nascent idea of Canada – including creating a culture of inclusivity and promoting the dignity, rights, and freedoms of every human being.
On the current looming disaster – the threat to our common home – Mr. Ó hÓgáin called on all present to learn from St Patrick and the early Irish newcomers to Canada. ‘We will need vision, we will need uncompromising zealots, we will need people who can persuade and bring some colour, portray an attractive bigger picture to people, go beyond the policy documents and engineering studies. The Canadian Irish are a good start.’
This was a good segue into presenting Saint Patrick’s Society 2024 Community Award to Mr. Joseph Quinn, former firefighter, best known for his long and ardent support of the needy in Verdun through the Manna Food Bank.
The hotel did the Irish proud with great service and an attention to detail including the floral arrangements representing the national flag of Ireland, formally confirmed in the 1937 Constitution, a tricolour of green, white, and orange, intended to symbolize the inclusion of and the aspiration for unity between people of different traditions on the island of Ireland.
Martina McLean
March 24, 2024
Good Friday: Way of the Cross with Mgr Christian Lépine on the streets of Old Montreal
For Good Friday, Communion and Liberation is organizing a Way of the Cross procession through the streets of Old Montreal, guided by Archbishop Christian Lépine.
Departing at 9:30 a.m. from the historic Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours chapel, the procession proceeds to Notre-Dame Basilica, St. Patrick’s Basilica and Gesù Church, passing through Place Ville Marie and arriving around noon at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.
SEPTEMBER 10, 2023
Virtual Exhibition Honours legacy of Congregation of Holy Cross founder
The year 2023 celebrates the 150th anniversary of the passing of Father Basile Moreau, founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross.
To mark the occasion, the virtual exhibition
The Legacy of Blessed Basile Moreau in Canada honors his spirituality, his work and his legacy.
Over 200 archival documents, photographs, artifacts and works of art are presented. Preserved by the archives and museums of the Congregation of Holy Cross in Montreal, they illustrate the impact made on Canada by the fathers, brothers and sisters of the Congregation since 1847.
Five themes of this heritage are highlighted, starting with the close relationship between Father Moreau, the Le Mans region, cradle of the community in France, and the Canadian mission over the years.
Learn more about the main vocation of the Holy Cross congregation: education by preaching and by teaching.
Discover the 15 spiritual sons and daughters of Father Moreau who have brought their personal touch to the work of Holy Cross in the fields of visual arts, music, theatre, social commitment, teaching, history and missionary life.
Visit 16 sites that testify to the urban legacy of the Holy Cross community in Montreal.
Finally, explore the mission countries where Canadian religious men and women have worked. You will be able to admire artistic representations of Blessed Basile Moreau created around the world.
Visit the virtual exhibition >>
– Archives Service of the Canadian Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross
– Archives of the Sisters of Holy Cross
Financial support:
– Canadian Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross
– Sisters of Holy Cross