MARCH 21, 2021
Week 5: Share Love, Share Lent
Solidarity Sunday: Keeping Canadians committed.
We raise funds every Lent to put an end to the extreme inequity, exclusion and violence that our partners are tackling, and to give energy to our cross-cutting education and advocacy work here in Canada.
Did you know that advocacy by Development and Peace members resulted in several schools, parishes and municipal offices across Canada giving up bottled water?
Join our Share Love, Share Lent campaign to celebrate the many ways in which Canadian Catholics show that they care for social, economic and environmental justice. To help make a difference, get your MP to commit to building back better from the pandemic.
Donate online >>
or by calling: 1 888 234-8533
or sending a cheque to:
Development and Peace
1425 René-Lévesque Blvd West, 3rd Floor
Montreal QC H3G 1T7.
For inspiration, information, to follow our solidarity calendar and to donate, visit

MARCH 21, 2021
Traditional Good Friday Blood Drive
It’s possible to plan a donation now for the Good Friday blood drive, to be held under the honorary chairmanship of Archbishop of Montreal Christian Lépine.
It will take place by appointment only on
Friday, April 2, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral,
1110 Mansfield St., Montreal.
The members of the Héma-Québec team and the organizers hope to welcome 50 donors.
To make an appointment contact Héma-Québec
at 1-800-343-7264
or by email:
We hope many of you will make an appointment!

MARCH 14, 2021
Week 4: Share Love, Share Lent
Raise a toast to yourself!
Did you know that over 10,000 Canadian Catholics like you are members of Development and Peace? The Share Love, Share Lent campaign invites you to pray for them and to honour their solidarity towards our sisters and brothers in the Global South.
Show your support by donating generously this coming Solidarity Sunday. You can also become a monthly donor and have your year-long contribution matched, thanks to the support of religious communities across Canada. Not only will you double your impact, but you will also automatically become a member of Development and Peace!
For inspiration, information, to follow our solidarity calendar and to donate, visit

MARCH 7, 2021
Week 3: Share Love, Share Lent
The passion of youth.
Did you know Development and Peace has an active youth movement from coast to coast?
The Share Love, Share Lent campaign celebrates the passion and commitment of youth, who represent the present and the future of the Development and Peace movement. Join them in supporting our work for positive change in Canada and the Global South.
Start a solidarity letter chain in aid of Development and Peace. Learn how at
Discover more activities and join Catholics across Canada on a journey of love and solidarity throughout the Lenten period. For inspiration, information, to follow our solidarity calendar and to donate, visit

February 28, 2021
Week 2: Share Love, Share Lent
Strengthening vulnerable communities.
Did you know that Development and Peace supports a school for peasant filmmakers in Colombia?
This week in the Share Love, Share Lent campaign, discover the creative ways in which we assist communities in speaking for and taking charge of their own development.
In keeping with the Catholic Social Teaching principle of participation, let your Lenten journey make a difference in the world. Learn about our work and consider giving to help sustain it.
Discover more activities and join Catholics across Canada on a journey of love and solidarity throughout the Lenten period. For inspiration, information, to follow our solidarity calendar and to donate, visit

February 21, 2021
Share Love, Share Lent:
(Re)discover Development and Peace
The Share Love, Share Lent campaign is inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical, Fratelli Tutti and its call “for a love that transcends… geography and distance” and “allows us to acknowledge, appreciate and love each person.”
Each week, the campaign explores a different aspect of Development and Peace’s work and offers you ways to become involved.
This week, the Share Love, Share Lent campaign looks at how your solidarity is meaningful for Rohingya refugees and their host communities in Bangladesh. Please pray for communities affected by crises and help us to keep supporting them by contributing to the collection on the Fifth Sunday of Lent.
Discover more activities and join Catholics across Canada on a journey of love and solidarity throughout the Lenten period. For inspiration, information, to follow our solidarity calendar and to donate, visit

The diocese has created a spiritual help‑line to offer support during the pandemic: 1‑888‑305‑0994.
Our Archdiocese has also set up a web page designed to provide ongoing relevant information amid current COVID‑19 concerns, including the latest guidelines, related articles and spiritual resources >>>