JUNE 14, 2020
Father MacEachen will privately celebrate Mass daily, including the Announced Masses for the requested intentions.
Saturday, June 13
St. Anthony of Padua
4:30 Deceased members of the Blizchuk Family by Maureen and Ron Blizchuk
Sunday, June 14
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
10:30 Kate and Ed Sampson by Ann & Louis Mallette
Monday, June 15
9:00 Françoise Champlong by Dr. Gaston and Maria Schwarz
Tuesday, June 16
9:00 Carol Ann Carmody by Eileen & Bill Curran
Wednesday, June 17
9:00 Hon. Frederick Collins & Mrs. Irene Collins by their Family
Thursday, June 18
St. Barnabas, apostle
Friday, June 19
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
World Day of Prayer for Priests
9:00 Jean Vanier by Joseph Blain
Saturday, June 20
The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
4:30 Special intention of Maureen and Ron Blizchuk