AUGUST 9, 2020

Saturday, August 8
St. Dominic
4:30 Eileen Balfour by Helene and Patricia McCormack

Sunday, August 9
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:30 Dr. John Fong Chong by Linda Wiltshire

Monday, August 10
St. Lawrence

Tuesday, August 11
St. Clare
9:00 Souls of the Carvalho–Gracias Families by Effie Cordeiro

Wednesday, August 12
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
9:00 Hon. Frederick Collins & Mrs. Irene Collins by their family

Thursday, August 13 | No Mass
St. Pontian and St. Hippolytus

Friday, August 14
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe

Saturday, August 15
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
4:30 Ann Craig by Maureen and Ron Blizchuk

Mass Intentions 

We have quite a few Masses without intentions, particularly on weekdays. If you would like to remember a loved one in this way, or for another special intention, you are invited to CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE to book a Mass time or the Sanctuary Lamp.