DECEMBER 20, 2020

Saturday, December 19
4:30 Harrison Thomas Joseph & Lidia Bartolla Diaz Abreus by Lucy-Ann Joseph

Sunday, December 20
Fourth Sunday of Advent
10:30 Kate and Ed Sampson by Ann & Louis Mallette

Monday, December 21
St. Peter Canisius
9:00 M. Shirley McCarthy by Bill & Eileen Curran

Tuesday, December 22
9:00 Souls of the Doulton-Cordeiro families by Effie Cordeiro

Wednesday, December 23
St. John of Canty
9:00 Deceased English Sisters of the CND Congregation by Eileen & Bill Curran

Thursday, December 24
The Nativity of the Lord ~ Christmas Eve
6:30 Vincent Cosentino by the Family
8:00 Deceased Family members of Teresa Mary by T. Doyle
9:30 Pauline and Guy Benoit by a Friend

Friday, December 25
The Nativity of the Lord
9:30 Deceased English-speaking Priests by Fr. MacEachen
11:00 Agnes MacLellan by Louise MacLellan

Saturday, December 26
St. Stephen
4:30 All deceased Ascension Parishioners in 2020 by Fr. MacEachen

Mass Intentions 

We have quite a few Masses without intentions, particularly on weekdays. If you would like to remember a loved one in this way, or for another special intention, you are invited to CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE to book a Mass time or the Sanctuary Lamp.