MARCH 14, 2021
Saturday, March 13
4:30 Deceased Members of the Blizchuk Family by Ron and Maureen Blizchuk
Sunday, March 14
Fourth Sunday of Lent
10:30 Germaine and Leonard Mallette by Ann and Louis Mallette
Monday, March 15
9:00 Annette de Verteuil by Frances de Verteuil
Tuesday, March 16
9:00 Special Intention of Theresa Doyle
Wednesday, March 17
St. Patrick
9:00 Special Intention of Theresa Doyle
Thursday, March 18 | No Mass
St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Friday, March 19
St. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Principal Patron of Canada
9:00 Pauline Doyle by Theresa Doyle
Saturday, March 20
4:30 Lucille Rochon by Teresa Rochon