JUNE 13, 2021
Saturday, June 12
The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
4:30 Mario Leschiutta by Teresa Rochon
Sunday, June 13
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
10:30 Danilo Corpus by the Corpus Family
Monday, June 14
9:00 The Doyle Family by Theresa Doyle
Tuesday, June 15
9:00 Sr. Elizabeth Schratz, CND by Kathleen Toomey
Wednesday, June 16
9:00 The Doyle Family by Theresa Doyle
Thursday, June 17 | No Mass
Friday, June 18
9:00 Hedwig Muller by Dieter Halbwidl
Saturday, June 19
St. Romuald
4:30 Souls in Purgatory by Maureen & Ron Blizchuk