JUNE 11, 2023
Saturday, June 10
4:30 p.m. Deceased Members of the Cross Family by Maureen and Ron Blizchuk
Sunday, June 11
The Solemnity of The Body and Blood of Christ
10:30 a.m. Hugh Auger by Martha and David Barrington
Monday, June 12
9:00 a.m. John A. and Agnes Mac Donnell by The Family
Tuesday, June 13
Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest, Doctor of the Church
9:00 a.m. Special Intention by A Parishioner
Wednesday, June 14
9:00 a.m. Souls in Purgatory by Mary Sellier
Thursday, June 15 | No Mass
Friday, June 16
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
9:00 a.m. In Honor of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus by Kathleen Toomey
Saturday, June 17
The Immaculate Heart of Mary
4:30 p.m. Mario Leschiutta by Teresa Rochon and Eddie Leschiutta