MARCH 6, 2022
Weddings, places of worship, and funerals
In places of worship and at funerals, no capacity limit is imposed.
A physical distance of 1 m must be maintained between people. Indoors, a face covering is still required at all times, except when eating or drinking.
Places of worship
Face coverings are mandatory, except when eating or drinking. A minimum distance of 1 m must be maintained between persons, unless they are occupants of the same household.
Attendees must stay in their seat and not move around.
Requirements for funerals and weddings also apply when these ceremonies are held in places of worship.
For indoor weddings, a vaccine passport is required, except in places of worship and courtrooms. In all cases, attendees must stay seated and not move around. Face coverings are mandatory indoors. Procedural masks are required in courtrooms. People from different households must maintain physical distance.
Maximum capacity for a reception or banquet typically held after the ceremony is 50 people if it is inside, and the vaccine passport is required. Receptions or banquets held in rented rooms or restaurants must also follow the rules for these venues.
Receptions held in a private home or on private land must follow the rules for these venues.
For outdoor wedding ceremonies and receptions, a vaccine passport is not required.
The viewing of the body or ashes of the deceased, the expression of condolences and funeral services can be held in an indoor or outdoor public place, including places of worship, without capacity limit, in compliance with health measures.
For an outdoor ceremony, people must remain seated during the ceremony.
February 27, 2022
Vaccine Passport no longer required
Our Churches are open for worship, the Vaccine Passport is no longer required as you enter the church. Masks are still mandatory.
On February 28th, Houses of Worship are permitted to open up to full capacity, with mask wearing, and hand sanitizing.
This is very good news, and we welcome it with great relief.
February 10, 2022
Certain restrictions on places of worship lifted
The Government of Québec has announced that Places of worship are allowed to reopen as long as they respect the following conditions:
Numbers are limited to 50% of usual capacity, for a maximum of 250 people.
If the place of worship occupies an entire building, the capacity limit applies to the building.
Face coverings are mandatory, except when eating or drinking.
A minimum distance of 1 m must be maintained between persons, unless they are occupants of the same household.
Attendees must stay in their seat and not move around.
Requirements for funerals and weddings also apply when these ceremonies are held in places of worship.
Vaccine passports are not mandatory at funerals, provided there are no more than 50 attendees.
A maximum of 50 people will be allowed for funerals, though the proof of vaccination will not be mandatory for “humanitarian reasons”.
JANUARY 30, 2022
Churches to reopen – masks required
The Government of Québec has announced that Places of worship are allowed to reopen as of February 7th but, with a few exceptions, they must be at half capacity, with a maximum of 250 people. Vaccination passports will be required for entry.
A maximum of 50 people will be allowed for funerals, though the proof of vaccination will not be mandatory for “humanitarian reasons”.
DECEMBER 30, 2021
Churches are closed – except for funerals
As of December 31st, 2021, Quebec Public Health has ordered the closure of all Houses of Worship – except for funerals.
Funerals are limited to 25 people in attendance, and presenation of a Vaccination passport is NOT compulsory.
We appreciate your cooperation in protecting your health and that of others.
Stay safe.
DECEMBER 19, 2021
New restrictions and Measures for Mass Attendance
As of December 20th, Quebec Public Health has made it mandatory for all people attending services in Houses of Worship in Quebec to show Proof of Vaccination before entering the building.
Paper forms or cards, as well as mobile phone apps showing vaccination are acceptable.
No exceptions are permitted.
One must also wear a mask throughout the service, and everyone must disinfect their hands upon entering the church, and before receiving communion.
We appreciate your cooperation in protecting your health and that of others.
Stay safe.
OCTOBER 20, 2021
Dear Parishioners,
We are timidly emerging from a dismal period brought on by the pandemic, which has disturbed the life of everyone. Most people have had to re‑think every aspect of pandemic life, and contend with unprecedented situations, including our churches. We put in place certain measures to mitigate the spread of the virus, and we continue to practice stringent protocols to contain its spread in the community.
Our churches have been allowed to resume worship and liturgies, and for that we are truly grateful. However, due to the forced closure of our parish for numerous months, we have had a decrease in revenues, which has definitely impacted our operating budget. While we were able to attend to the major Restoration projects this summer, such as the Restoring of the Bell Tower, repointing of our church stone, replacement of the floor covering under the church pews, and the first and second phase of the refurbishing of our Casavant organ, operating costs have continued and increased as well.
The Wardens of the parish have decided to launch once again our annual Fall Catch‑Up Appeal, which for obvious reasons we did not undertake last year.
We are indeed thankful to the parishioners who continued to support the parish financially during the length of the pandemic, and now we earnestly solicit the generosity of those who for apparent and various reasons, were unable to donate as in the past. You have been extremely generous in the past in responding to this appeal, and I and the wardens are profusely grateful for your efforts.
We encourage you to support the parish by contributing to and participating in our Fall Catch-Up Appeal. You can contribute to the campaign online through Canada Helps >>>
You may also mail or bring a cheque to the church. As you know, your donation is tax deductible.
It is wonderful to see our parishioners returning to worship now that the situation is improving, and I am anxious to greet and welcome you who have been absent during the summer and vacation period.
May our prayers rise like incense for all impacted by this global health crisis, and throughout this year dedicated to St. Joseph by Pope Francis, may we be assisted by his prayers and protection.
Yours in Christ,
Father L. Mac Eachen