APRIL 25, 2021
Following one’s vocation is a response from within to the needs outside us. A decision to work for the poor or assist people in need is not necessarily a vocation.
A vocation meets the human needs of the world but with a motivation from within. We care for our children and grandchildren not just because they are sick or insecure, but because we love them.
This love will move us out to help them in various situations.
We find a call to be ‘people for others’ because our heart teaches us that with Jesus we are all brothers and sisters, and that God wants to save the world, and needs our help to do so.
This is the Sunday we all pray that our particular vocation in life may become clear and may become stronger.
God calls each of us to love God and love our neighbour. This is the first Christian calling at our Baptism; we then find the best way for each of us with our own particular set of gifts, talents and even weaknesses to live out that call to love.
We think especially today of religious life and priesthood. There are needs for priests, sisters and brothers in most parts of the world. As a community in families and parishes we thank those who have given their lives in these vocations and pray they may increase.
Remember with thanks those whose lives have given you your faith in God.
Lord, thanks for what I can do in your service. May your kingdom come!