OCTOBER 31, 2021
We often ask people what is most important to them in life.
Various words come to mind – family, faith, love, and peace of mind, money or others. Jesus is asked something like this in the conversation of today’s gospel.
His most important word is love – anything in the religious tradition of the time is secondary to love of God and love of the neighbour.
True religion is that, and is especially true when it cares for the needy. Jesus’ heart went out mostly to people like that in his own time, especially any group who were outcast like people suffering from leprosy.
This can be the same today. He is the one on the side of the needy, and most on our side when we are most needy. This is the meaning and the reason for the Christian community – to be bearers of love in our world.
When we love, in the smallest and biggest ways, among the family, neighbourhood and wider world, then we are religious in the name of Jesus.
Recall moments when you thought you were most ‘religious’ and
soon after were internally critical of other’s efforts.
Lord, may I find your love and call in everything I encounter this day.