September 10, 2023
In any group, small and big, things cause friction.
Everyone thinks his or her way is right. We can fight over who is right.
Some things are worth a fight, others not.
In the big questions of life, we need the advice, support and love of the other.
Many people ask themselves, ‘Why I didn’t give an honest opinion about a decision like marriage or a job or a course of studies which seemed ill-advised to everyone?’
We all have good and not-so-good tendencies. We can only advise as best we can, sensitively and wisely, and hope we get a hearing.
We are afraid to hurt, to be rejected. Why do we let so many people drink themselves into trouble and never tell them? The terror of a neighbourhood, no matter what age, needs to be confronted. The problem of drugs in a neighbourhood is not confronted. Crime is not reported.
In small and big things we are each others’ keepers. Jesus is saying something like that today. Parents can find this difficult as they try to guide the family well and not lose them. We have social responsibility in the family and in the neighbourhood and even worldwide for the common good.
God wants the best for each of us. We can help each other to goodness, we can support each other, advise each other, pray for and with each other, and help each other on our way to God.
Recall an occasion when another gave good advice,
even when you may not have liked it at the beginning.
Be grateful!
Give me wisdom, Lord, when others ask me for advice or an opinion.