January 14, 2024
We need time for the best things in life to come to fruition.
Love grows in marriage, friendship and family over many years. It has significant moments but often it cannot be rushed.
Jesus’ disciples were invited to stay with him the rest of that day to get to know him; it would not happen immediately at the river.
‘Rest of the day’ would mean a very long time..

How well do I know Jesus? How much do I know about him? These are two different types of knowledge, like I can know everything about a person and not know the person.
What do I find out in this reading about Jesus? He is one who does not force himself on people – he asks ‘what do you want?’ He likes an honest answer. He looks into people and sees more to them, like he did with Peter and gave him a new name. He saw faithfulness in Peter even though others would see weakness.
When we read a gospel story, we can pause here and there and ask, what is new in this story about Jesus? Or what is new about myself? The gospel is always new. It is a treasure chest to bring out new aspects of the truth of Jesus each time we read it.
In prayer he has time for each of us. They stayed with him for a long time and he does not seem to hurry them. The lord is not in a hurry with us in any way except to love us.
Let the words, ‘Come and see’
echo in your mind and heart today and all this week.
Lord, thank you for calling me to the Eucharist;
and for calling me into prayer.