MAY 19, 2024
The effect of the Holy Spirit at the first Pentecost was to create unity –
the incident of people understanding different languages should not be taken literally, but that some deep divisions among people can be overcome by the Spirit of God.
Many of the gifts of the Spirit in the second reading are about a deep unity among us – trust, love, patience.
These and other gifts of the Spirit bring unity at a deep level in families, friendships, all kinds of relationships and communities.
The effects of disunity can lead in the end to murders, violence and wars. No wonder Jesus prayed so often for unity, and his Spirit would unite us.
Disagreements may happen in the best of relationships, and lead often to peace in the end. Dividedness never leads to peace and is never from God.
Another unity of Pentecost was the reconciliation between Jesus’ natural family and the new family of the apostles. Another gospel account says that in the upper room were people like James, his family ‘brother’, and Mary his mother, who was the uniting love of all Jesus’ followers.
On the inbreath, breathe in the Spirit of God,
the wind that blows where it wills.
Come Holy Spirit;
Fill our hearts.
Bring your peace and unity to our world.
May your kingdom come and your will be done.