MAY 26, 2024
When we think of the word Spirit can we think of something lively?
A sort of a flow of living water; a cycle race rather than a traffic jam.
The flow of life in us rather than the ways we block life. It is the spirit of God whom we call Father, Son or Christ and Spirit.
We live in that sort of love. The church is called to be that sort of community.

The Trinity can make God seem totally distant. But that is not Jesus’ God. He is the one who gets right into life, bringing God into humanity as one of us. Jesus talked so much about farming, weddings, death, illness, joys, trust, creation, nature, breakfasts, gardens, dinners; he is the God of the table more than the God of the temple. His spirit flows in all of creation, love, suffering and joy; He finds us in all things.
We need that big view of God. He makes everything sacred. Even the name Father, Son and Spirit.
Our call is to flow with him, to go with the flow of God’s Spirit. We are the flow of God in the world.
We become what we receive – the love of the Trinity in the world. We become like Christ himself as we receive this bread of life, called to be his witnesses. By what we say and do, in all we are.
Give thanks to the Lord for his presence in the Eucharist.
Father, Son and Spirit, enfold me in love, the love of your eternal life.