november 3, 2024
The Old Testament contains a series of images and promises which are fulfilled in the mystery of Jesus.
The old covenant given through Moses to the Jews is to be kept by observing the commandments. Their reward for doing so would be the gift of long life and prosperity in the fruitful land of Israel.
Even today, devout Jews recite their promise to God every day in the Shema Israel: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone!Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength”.
Jesus was very pleased with the sincerity of the scribe who came to him seeking truth for his understanding of the importance of the commandment to love one’s fellow man.
Jesus is the perfect model of obedience to the Father and love of neighbor. His love for his Father is reflected in his love for God’s children. The Sermon on the Mount shows us the good and loving Father as seen through the eyes of Jesus. God provides for all our needs and He has promised long life (eternal life) to those who believe in the Lord Jesus. The long life promised through Moses is the image of eternal life promised by Jesus.
Bishop Sheen used to say that “goodness is diffusive of itself, that God had to share his beauty, his love and his joy with us, and that is why He created us.Jesus, the perfect image of the Father, had to show us the love od the Father. He had to share the Father’s joy with us. Everything that He did, His words of consolation and hope, his gentle, healing touch, manifested the Father’s love for us.
We cannot force anyone to love us. Like Jesus, we must love eachother freely to experience the joy of giving. The new commandment to love one another is really an invitation to share in His joy and the creative joy of His Father.
We know from experience that using our charisms and talents is spiritually very satisfying and fulfilling, especially if our love is spontaneous, like the love of Jesus.
How are we going to imitate Jesus this week?