DECember 29, 2024
Various aspects of family life are highlighted in the readings today.
They are chosen with family life in mind – the old, the young and the child – and in praise of family life with both Elkanah and Hannah, and then
Mary and Joseph coming close to God in their family life.
Today is a day in praise of family marriage, sexuality, birth and of prayer for families. And in the family we learn about God – more by example than by words. Most families manage well even in times of stress. Daily and ordinary love can overcome a lot else.
While praising the great efforts of parents today, and the strong family life which exists among us, we also look at contemporary problems:
the stresses on the one-parent family;
children unsure of the commitment of the parents;
the effects of divorce on the children, and
admitting that marriage breakup has a confusing or damaging effect on children;
the long life of elderly who are very ill and require a lot of loving but difficult attention;
the effects of addiction to drugs and alcohol; prison and crime.
Faith, prayer, Mass and the Church can bring us through a lot in bad days. Some prayer at night or in the morning, before a meal or leaving the house; Mass, and including prayer at high points of family life are ways of including prayer in family life. Family is the school of faith and the place of God in the ordinary everyday world.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, help us in our family life.