January 19, 2025

The human side of the gospel today is the huge need of a young couple on the best day of their lives. Jesus hears of their need and the result is the wine for the wedding, but more so, it is the promise of the fullness of God.

We look for the fullness of life in money, food, sex, travel, security, reputation-none last.
Only the simplest joys of life really satisfy in the end, like
the joy of love,
the thrill of friendship,
the caring in family and
the ways we enjoy the goodness of creation.

A man asked once in the hospice at the end of his life -‘what is happiness?’
‘Find happiness now’ was his answer -‘be satisfied, be grateful, for what you have, for what you have received, for what God has given you.’ There is a fullness of life in being happy with who I am, what I have… and asking God for what he knows I need.

No matter what our .age, we can do good for others, we can share the graces of life and the soul can grow. That’s what I hope can happen for me as life goes on. In any group of people, some look happy and some look miserable. The happiest are not always the ones who had or are having the easiest life. They are the ones who have found peace with themselves, others and God.

Because of the gift of the fullness of God in ‘new wine’, we always have a home, here and after – in the heart of our God in Jesus Christ now and for eternity.

Jesus of the wedding feast of Cana,
give us the faith and hope to know that you can always make a change for the better,
and the love to live by what we receive.

Fr Donal Neary, S.J.