May we consider the ways in which we might continue the practice of self-denial by offering small, daily sacrifices to the Lord.
May we consider the ways in which we might continue the practice of self-denial by offering small, daily sacrifices to the Lord.
We wear the colours of joy from the love which has brought us here and made us the work of art we are.
Let us name our shortcomings, seek God’s mercy and invite Him to transform our hearts.
God loves us so much that He gave us His only Son who suffered, died and rose for us.
Ask what our Lent does for others, than just what we are doing for Lent.
If we have a contrite heart, Jesus will stretch out His hand in forgiveness and His mercy will touch our lives.
Let us ask the Lord — how can I serve You better throughout my days?
Imagine the light of God filling the darkness in me. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
We, too, are called to surrender our lives to the Lord so that He may work through us.
… from His mission that we receive the sacrament of baptism — when we become adopted sons and daughters of God.
… be not afraid, for unto us has been born a saviour who is Christ the Lord.
This Christmas let us resolve to make our whole life a gift to the One Who has given us everything.
This is our calling too — to testify to the Light, our wonderful Saviour — by the way we make use of the time, talent and treasure He has entrusted to our care.
Love came down to us as a Baby. And He is coming again. Be watchful!
Lord Jesus, may your kingdom come – The reign of equality, justice, peace and love.
Well done, my good and faithful servant… Come, share your master’s joy.
We are children of God, so we have access to the infinite treasury of God’s grace.