NOVEMBER 27, 2022
Annual Mass of Concern
Our parish will be celebrating our annual Mass of Concern the weekends of November 26-27th and December 3-4th.
Many of our less fortunate neighbours depend on our help for money to purchase food and other necessities during the year, but especially at Christmas.
Our parish contributes not only to individuals, but to other churches helping the unfortunate, organizations and groups that assist the needy and poor, such as Food Banks, Share the Warmth Foundation, the Open Door which aids the homeless, and an organization attending to the needs of battered women.
For those of you who use the Envelope Box for your contributions, an envelope is already in your box. For others, envelopes are available at the church entrances.
Receipts will be issued for identifiable donations.
Please do your part to brighten Christmas and the winter months for the many people who need our help.
Thank you for your generousity.

NOVEMBER 27, 2022
Season of Advent
Advent commences on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, November 27th) and ends on Christmas Eve December 24th. Beginning the Church’s liturgical year, Advent is a time of preparation that points our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of our Saviour’s birth on Christmas.
As we prepare to celebrate the Incarnation of Christ, the texts of Scripture during Advent tells us to be alert and awake, and ready to receive Him when He comes. In our Church we set up the Advent Wreath of evergreen boughs with its four candles which remind us of the meaning of the season.
Jesus has dispelled darkness and has come as a Light to the nations. The priest wears purple vestments to accentuate the penitential dimension of the season, because Advent includes an element of penance in the sense of preparing, waiting, quieting, longing and disciplining our hearts for the full joy of Christmas.

NOVEMBER 27, 2022
Advent Penitential Service
On Saturday, December 10th at 10:30 a.m. we will have an Advent Penance service in the Church, with visiting priests to hear your confession.
A great moment to prepare for the Birth of our Saviour at Christmas.

NOVEMBER 27, 2022
2023 Envelope Boxes
For those parishioners who use the Envelope Box system for your contribution, the new boxes for 2023 are now ready, and have been placed at the back of the Church in alphabetical order.
Remember to pick them up.
Anyone who wishes to have a box, please speak with the priest, and he will gladly give you a new box and number. At the end of the year your contribution will be tallied and you will receive an Income Tax receipt.

NOVEMBER 27, 2022
Election of Parish Wardens
On Sunday, December 11th, following the 10:30 a.m. mass, all parishioners are invited to a parish meeting in the church to elect two wardens to replace the two who are completing their terms on December 31st, 2022.
Any parishioner 18 years of age, a registered parishioner, and living within the boundaries of the parish, can be nominated to serve on the board.
Wardens along with the pastor are responsible for the temporal and financial affairs of the parish.
If you would like to serve, please speak with the priest.

Food Bank Donation
We have a new tradition in our parish to support the hungry on a more continuous basis. Over 860,000 Canadians visit food banks every month, with over 36% of the donations feeding hungry children.
See a list of suggestions for nutritious non-perishable items HERE >>>.