JUNE 18, 2023
Summer Break
Our Choir will be taking a well deserved break for the summer months, and will return to sing at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday mass in September.
I wish to thank Joel Peters, our Choir Master, and all the members of the Choir for their dedication and faithfulness, and we wish you a restful vacation.
– Father Mac Eachen

JUNE 18, 2023
Food Pantry Donations
I would like to express my appreciation to all the parishioners who throughout the year donate food items to stock the food pantry at St Willibrord’s Parish.
Your generosity and thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated, and I believe the Lord who notices all the gestures of charity we extend to others, will amply reward you.
Thank you for assisting the needy and less fortunate in our neighbourhood.
Special thanks to David Barrington who weekly delivers the food to the parish.
– Father Mac Eachen

JUNE 18, 2023
Father’s Day
On this Father’s Day, let us pray that all men who have received the special vocation as a father be blessed and strengthened as Christian fathers.
For new dads, faithful and steadfast ones, the patient and nurturing ones, the busy and preoccupied ones, the forgiving and engaging dads, the hard working, and the dads separated for various reasons from their families.
For grandads who support their precious grandchildren, and for foster fathers who have embraced the role as provider and custodian of the children in their care.
Thank you Lord for all these beautiful men. Help us to remember to pray for them, to support them, and to honour them always with a spirit of profound respect.
Happy Father’s Day!

May 7, 2023
First Holy Communion
On Sunday April 30th, our young children received their First Holy Communion at Ascension.
We are proud of you and we pray that you will always remain close to the Lord Jesus who gave us the Holy Eucharist as an expression of His deep love for us.
We wish to thank the parents of these children, and our wonderful, devoted catechists for teaching and forming the children in the faith: Alfredo Bellitto, Clare Pinnow, and Eoin Ohagain, and Sheila Burns-Waite.
Michael Arcaro
Layla Biasini
Ana Sofia Cardot
Sienna Girosan
Adamo Iaizzo
Stefano Iaizzo
Freya Leona Luzio
Ruby Cara Luzio
Theya Ni Ohagain
Luca Graydon Martenelli
Eleanor Pasteris Montecalvo
Nathan Piro
Nicole Piro
Angelina Jian Qu
Oforistewumi Gabriel Tuoyo
Osanoristemofe Michael Tuoyo
Tessa Zegarelli

May 7, 2023
Sacrament of Confirmation
On Saturday April 29th, nineteen young students received the Sacrament of Confirmation at Ascension Parish. Bishop Alain Faubert conferred the Sacrament.
We encourage you to continue to confirm and affirm your catholic faith, and with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the gifts he bestowed upon you, put these gifts to use in service to the Church and our Community.
We thank the parents of these students for their faithfulness in nurturing them in the faith, and for assuring that they attended their Catechism classes on a regular basis.
It is much appreciated.
Continue to encourage them to be responsible and mature christians.
We are ever grateful for the guidance and support provided by Alfredo Bellitto, our ‘Be My Disciples’ catechism leader, and Patricia Smith our loyal and committed 6th Level catechist, and Sheila Burns-Waite from the Priory School;. Thank you on behalf of our whole parish.
Leona Danille Adams
William Michael Bodnarok
Lea Cacciola
Damiano Ciambella
Sienna Grace Ciambella
Oliver Daoud
Fabiana D’Andrea
Max Di Ioia
Mayela Gil
Nathaniel Gil
Olivia Iaizzo
Liam Kelly
Adrianna Sofia Martelli
Jack Pinnow
Sofia Borsellino Puccio
Sara Leanna Romeo
Matteo Simonelli
Alessandro Stasi
Isabella Verrillo

Food Bank Donation
We have a new tradition in our parish to support the hungry on a more continuous basis. Over 860,000 Canadians visit food banks every month, with over 36% of the donations feeding hungry children.
See a list of suggestions for nutritious non-perishable items HERE >>>.