December 31, 2023
Thank you for Christmas flowers
We wish to thank all who donated to the parish for the purchase of our Christmas Flowers to decorate the Sanctuary and Church.
We are very grateful, and assure you that we pray for your loved ones and your intentions:
Louise Mac Lellan
Patricia Smith, In memory of Redmond and Marian Burke
The Reynolds Family in Memory of Ann Reynolds
Patricia Mc Cormack, In memory of Andree, Edith and John Mc Cormack
Ann Ascoli
John Stewart, In memory of Dr. Rene T. Tirol
Anna Romano, For the Romano Family
Marie Simmons
Ramaseder Family, In Memory of Ann Ramaseder, Frank and Johanna Ramaseder and Delphine Kardman
Enrico and Paola Moscatelli
Martha and David Barrington
Franca Lombardi Dell’Elce
Frances de Verteuil
Susan O’ Reilly
Pat Hermosa
Patrizia Mielewczyk
Judie Jokinen
Robert Lopez, For Ricardo and Teresita Lopa, Luciano and Justina Lopez
Daniel C. Lopez Leonardo Umale Aurora Castillo Kristoffer Limgo
Alex Ang Edilberto Perez Antonio Ang Horacio Limgo and Uy Kin
Robert Eric Tan
December 17, 2023
Envelopes for 2024
For those parishioners who use an Envelope Box for your weekly donation to the parish, your 2024 boxes are ready to be picked up at the Entrance of the Church.
They have been placed in alphabetical order on the table at the entrance.
If anyone would like to begin to use envelopes for your donation, please speak with the priest and he will give you a box with a number.
At the end of the year you will be issued an Income Tax receipt for your charitable donation.
Food Bank Donation
We have a new tradition in our parish to support the hungry on a more continuous basis. Over 860,000 Canadians visit food banks every month, with over 36% of the donations feeding hungry children.
See a list of suggestions for nutritious non-perishable items HERE >>>.