April 28, 2024
First Holy Communion
On Sunday, April 28th the following children made their First Holy Communion at Ascension Parish.
Congratulations, and may you always stay close to Jesus whom you receive in the Sacred Bread today.
We assure you of our continual prayers.We thank their parents for the faith they instil in their children and for your support in raising your children in the Church.
Special thanks to the Director of the Catechism program at Ascension, Alfredo Bellitto, and our wonderful Catechists Eoin Ohagain and Ann Ascoli who have assisted in forming the children in the faith in our ‘Be My Disciples’ classes.
Luciano Armenti
Christian Borsellino Puccio
Victor Baass
Kayla Chidera Chukwu
Ellie Dalfen
Athena Desmarais
Louis Donze
Joshua Gil
Harper Rose Gut
Hunter Gut
Sienna Martin
Lara Martin
Leroy Mbugua Muthemba
Vincente Oberto
Christopher Palumbi
Nicolas Palumbi
Giordano Palumbi
Zelia Rocha
Penelope Tindale

April 27, 2024
Confirmation Day
On Saturday, April 27th, Bishop Robert Harris came to Ascension Parish to Celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with our young students.
Special thanks to Bishop Harris for Confirming our 2024 class, and Congratulations to our newly Confirmed parishioners. These young students have been enrolled in our ‘Be My Disciples’ catechism program for the past 6 years, and we are pleased that you have arrived at the moment when you publicly confirm and affirm the faith that you received at your Baptism.
We are grateful to the parents for nurturing and guiding your children on their faith journey, and we encourage you to continue to do so in the years ahead.
Special thanks to the head of the Catechism program at Ascension Parish, Alfredo Bellitto, and Patricia Smith who has done a great job in teaching this year’s group.
May the Holy Spirit bless you, enlighten and inspire you.
Ella Biasini
Ningkai Chen
Juliana De Minico
Angele Maria Dopp
Lucas Jans
Greta Marazzi
Niccolo Marazzi
Asha Ni Ogain
Marco Palumbi
Luca Palumbi
Melissa Remai
Liam Martelli
Jenna Stiban
Tala Stiban
Valentina Serri
David Tarasco
Emily Zegarelli

April 21, 2024
Ascension Parish Choir Concert
On Sunday, May 12th, the Choir of Ascension Parish under the direction of Joel Peters, will present a Mother’s Day Concert at 2:00 p.m. in the Church.
Music by J. Rutter, J.S. Bach, F. Schubert, A. Grondahl, G. Pergolesi, Mother Teresa and others will be pieces of the concert.
All are welcome.
Freewill offering.
April 7, 2024
Thank You
We are grateful to all who made a donation for the purchase of Easter Flowers to decorate our Sanctuary for Easter.
Thank you for your offering, and we will pray for you and your intentions throughout the Easter season.
David Barrington
Deborah M.: In memory of Father Enrico Jemmo
Brigitte Ramaseder: In memory of Frank and Johanna Ramaseder and Ann Ramaseder
Frances de Verteuil: In memory of Lucia de Verteuil
Patrizia Mielewczyk: For the Souls in Purgatory
Deborah Mielewczyk: For the Souls of Annamaria and Guido Spadafora
Jan Jelmert Jorgensen: In memory of Frances Ezzy-Jorgensen, Thomas Ezzy, Ferris Ezzy, Lorette Soucy
Nan Carlin: In memory of the Carlin Family
Frances Dell’Elce: For the Souls in Purgatory
Barbara Cefis
Renée Prendergast
Emily David
Angelita Magtibay
Helene Mc Cormack: In memory of Edith, John and Andree Mc Cormack
Marie Simmons: For Good Health
Lisa Pietroniro: For health, security and happiness for the family
John Stewart: In memory of Dr. Rene T. Tirol
Susan O’ Reilly
Dr. John and Lynn Pecknold
Debbie Meehan: In memory of Mr and Mrs Gordon Meehan and son Ronnie
From the Lopez Family: Ricardo and Teresita Lopa,
Luciano & Justina Lopez
Daniel C. Lopez
Leonardo Umale
Aurora Castillo
Edilberto Perez
Kristoffer Limgo
Alex Ang
Horacio Limgo & Uy Kin
Roberto Eric Tan
Antonio Ang

Food Bank Donation
We have a new tradition in our parish to support the hungry on a more continuous basis. Over 860,000 Canadians visit food banks every month, with over 36% of the donations feeding hungry children.
See a list of suggestions for nutritious non-perishable items HERE >>>.