november 24, 2024
The Ascension of Our Lord Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert
on Sunday, December 8th
at 2:00 p.m.
at Ascension Parish
featuring our parish choir including Mc Gill Scholar Choir members with organ, piano and string accompaniment.
This afternoon concert will also include works for solo organ by Oliver Messaien, Bach and Loret, performed by Choir Director and organist Joel Peters on the newly restored Opus 1344 Casavant organ.
The Choir will also lead the attendees in traditional carols such as ‘Joy to the World’, and ‘The First Nowell’.
A reception following the Concert will conclude the event.
Please make an effort to attend.
If you can not be here but would like to make a contribution to the Choir Fund, please pick up a blue envelope at the back of the church and return it whenever you can.
All are cordially welcome to attend!
november 3, 2024
The City of Westmount will honor all the War Veterans with a Commemorative Service at the Cenotaph, Sunday, November 10th at 2:00 p.m.
All are invited to attend this ceremony.
Lest We Forget.

September 22, 2024
The Ascension of Our Lord was pleased to participate in Religious Heritage Days
on September 7 and 8, 2024.
Our church was open to visitors and on the Sunday, many were able to enjoy a recital produced by our Music Director, Joel Peters that featured the acclaimed soprano Léa Weilbrenner Lebeau.