April 16, 2023
Thomas … thanks!
For bringing honesty into our faith.
He didn’t pretend that he was better than he was. He began by wanting proof and ended by being glad of faith.
He is the patron saint of transitions and steps in faith. Faith is a journey. He is the saint of faith in our times.
The community was the place he found faith, having lost it when he tried to go it alone. Then he came back to the community of faith and went on a journey of life that took him to martyrdom in India.

He also found Christ in wanting to touch his wounds. We find God when we enter into his wounds in the wounds of our world.
In the faith community of the church we can keep our faith. Our faith grows here too. Thomas looked for faith by wanting to touch the wounds of Jesus. When Jesus invited him to do so, he found he didn’t need to. He found faith in being present with the wounded Christ and discovered there his faith in the glory of Christ.
We can do the same. What was said to Thomas is said to us all: ‘You believe because you can see me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe’.
Recall those who have strengthened your faith and be grateful;
picture each person and pray for each of them.
Lord, I believe, strengthen my belief.