The Share Love, Share Lent campaign is inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical, Fratelli Tutti and its call “for a love that transcends… geography and distance”
The Share Love, Share Lent campaign is inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical, Fratelli Tutti and its call “for a love that transcends… geography and distance”
Your 2020 Donation Tax Receipts were mailed to you. For any queries contact the Parish Office.
God loves us so much that He gave us His only Son who suffered, died and rose for us.
The Share Love, Share Lent campaign is inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical, Fratelli Tutti and its call “for a love that transcends… geography and distance”
Your 2020 Donation Tax Receipts were mailed to you. For any queries contact the Parish Office.
Ask what our Lent does for others, than just what we are doing for Lent.
Celebrate your love or the love of a couple dear to you on Sunday, February 14th, 2021.
Wednesday, February 17th, 2021 is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.
If we have a contrite heart, Jesus will stretch out His hand in forgiveness and His mercy will touch our lives.
Thursday February 11 is World Day of the Sick, a day for believers to offer prayers for those suffering from illnesses.
The Montreal region remains a Red Zone where confinement measures remain in effect. Gatherings at places of worship are limited to a maximum of 10 people.
Let us ask the Lord — how can I serve You better throughout my days?