MARCH 21, 2021
2020 Tax Receipts
Your 2020 Donation Tax Receipts have been prepared and were mailed out to you.
For any queries email:
or contact the Parish Office.
Thank you.
February 21, 2021
A Selection of Online Lent Resources
1. Everyday Lent Resources
Everyday Lent Resources including a Lenten Online Retreat.
Eight Weeks of Retreat – From Ash Wednesday Week to the Second Week of Easter
Online Retreats and Prayers includes:
An Ignatian Prayer Adventure Join in an adapted version of the Spiritual Exercises, perfectly timed as a Lent and Easter retreat.
Materials are based on The Ignatian Adventure, and Loyola Press bloggers will offer weekly reflections during the season. Use as much or as little of the material as helps you in your Ignatian adventure.
3. Living Lent Daily
Living Lent Daily features prayers, thoughts and more each day to inspire you throughout your Lenten journey.
A new article will become available daily throughout Lent.
4. Loyola Press
Take advantage of Lent as a wonderful time for spiritual renewal. You will find a variety of articles, activities, and other resources that will aid you in this special time of prayer and preparation.
5. From the Archdiocese:
New Resource Page dedicated to the Season of Lent
To help you prepare for Easter, different liturgical and community resources will be made available on this page, including Gospel reflections for each Sunday during Lent, online retreats, and more to come.
February 28, 2021
Weekly Donation Envelope Boxes
Parishioners who use the envelope system for their parish contribution will find the 2021 boxes available at the main entrance of the church.
Please be sure to pick up only the box that has your name and number on it. Boxes are in alphabetical order.
If you are currently not able to pick it up or if you don’t have a donation envelope box—but would like to make your weekly donations to the parish using this method, or if you have any questions please contact the parish office.
Thank you for your faithful generosity.
JANUARY 31, 2021
Sunday Missals 2021
The Living with Christ Sunday Mass books for the coming Liturgical Year are available for sale at the back of the church as of this weekend.
The cost is $5 each.
The supply is limited so you are encouraged to purchase your copy as soon as possible, and to write your name in your book.
If you are currently not able to attend Mass in person, but would like a Missal, please contact the parish to make arrangements to obtain one.
DECEMBER 6, 2020
Restoration of our organ
Suzie Charpentier and Jens Peterson, both involved in the restoration of our parish organ, give us an inside look at the progress Casavant is making.
Food Bank Donation
We have a new tradition in our parish to support the hungry on a more continuous basis. Over 860,000 Canadians visit food banks every month, with over 36% of the donations feeding hungry children.
During the COVID‑19 isolation, please leave your items in a bag at the door of the rectory. Donations will be delivered to St. Willibrord’s parish food bank.
See a list of suggestions for nutritious non-perishable items HERE >>>.