MAY 15, 2022

Inaugural Concert – our Casavant organ

To celebrate the restoration of our Casavant OPUS 1344 organ, we are pleased to announce that
Isabelle Demers, currently the Joyce Bowden Chair of Organ at Baylor University and incoming Associate Professor of Organ at McGill University’s Schulich School of music,
will be performing the Inaugural Concert of our newly restored instrument on:

Sunday, May 29th, at 3:00 p.m.

All are cordially invited to attend.

MAY 8, 2022

Capital Campaign Closure Ceremony

Ascension of Our Lord Parish launched a 1-million-dollar Capital Campaign on May 29th, 2019 in order to repair a leaking belltower, replace the linoleum flooring below the church pews and begin the restoration of its original Casavant Opus 1344 organ.

Thanks to your generosity, the Campaign was very successful, exceeded its goal and thus almost all of the projects requiring repair, replacement or restoration, were completed.

In order to celebrate this success, we would like to invite you to the Official Campaign Closure Ceremony which will take place on Sunday, May 22nd
at the usual time of 10:30 a. m.
We will begin with an organ recital at 10:10, gathering for the celebration of the Eucharist, followed by presentations by our co-chairs, and conclude with a small reception in the church. Joel Peters, our organist, will perform a select piece on our newly restored organ.

We do hope you will be able to attend, and we kindly ask you to RSVP by May 16th to Louise MacLellan
 >> click here to enter your name.   

Thanks again for your generosity and support and we hope to see you on May 22nd!

Fr. L. MacEachen

John Peacock
Campaign Co-Chair

Barbara Cefis
Campaign Co-Chair

MARCH 13, 2022

The Situation in Ukraine

We are all distressed and filled with indignation with the situation in Ukraine.

We pray together for an immediate ceasefire and an end to this horrific war.

The Bishops of Quebec are appealing to Canadians to support the relief efforts to assist the people who are in great need. The bishops encourage us to support the humanitarian aid organizations which are providing support to the Ukranians.
You may send your donations to one of the following groups:

Development and Peace
1425 Rene Levesque Blvd. W., 3rd Floor
Montreal  QC  H3G 1T7

CNEWA (Catholic Relief)
223 Main Street,
Ottawa  ON  K1S 1C4

Our parish is also collecting certain items to be given to our Ukranian Church in Montreal (which will be sent by the Church to Poland to assist the Ukranian refugees.)
Items to be collected:
– Medical supplies (bandages, wound products)
– Baby Food and Powder milk
– Baby Pampers
– Female sanitary products
A box for these items will be put at the back of the church.

We thank you wholeheartedly for your generosity.

Food Bank Donation

We have a new tradition in our parish to support the hungry on a more continuous basis. Over 860,000 Canadians visit food banks every month, with over 36% of the donations feeding hungry children.

See a list of suggestions for nutritious non-perishable items HERE >>>.