DECEMBER 17, 2022

New Wardens

At a gathering of parishioners at Ascension December 11th, the following were elected to join the Board of Wardens:
 – Louise Mac Lellan;
 – Eoin Ohagain.
Madeleine Varkay was re-elected for a second term.

Congratulations and thank you for your willingness to serve the Parish in this capacity.

December 10, 2022

Christmas Flowers

There is a tradition at Ascension of Our Lord parish for parishioners to make a donation toward the purchase of Christmas Flowers to decorate the Sanctuary and Church for Christmas.

If you would like to donate in memory of a loved one, or for a special intention, you will find special envelopes at the Entrance of the Church for your donation.

NOVEMBER 27, 2022

2023 Envelope Boxes

For those parishioners who use the Envelope Box system for your contribution, the new boxes for 2023 are now ready, and have been placed at the back of the Church in alphabetical order.
Remember to pick them up.

Anyone who wishes to have a box, please speak with the priest, and he will gladly give you a new box and number. At the end of the year your contribution will be tallied and you will receive an Income Tax receipt.

Food Bank Donation

We have a new tradition in our parish to support the hungry on a more continuous basis. Over 860,000 Canadians visit food banks every month, with over 36% of the donations feeding hungry children.

See a list of suggestions for nutritious non-perishable items HERE >>>.