JuLY 4, 2021
“On a mission: Growing. Stronger. Together.”
The 2021 Annual Campaign, features four people from our diocese on a mission with the worthy task of promoting and serving spiritual life and love in the various spheres of family, work, society and Church.
And in spite of the current challenging circumstances, these individuals have made and continue to make a difference in their communities. They have found new ways to be present and supportive in the mission, bringing new hope through their involvement during these times of crisis.
Witnessing the love of God also means contributing to the joy, the love, the well-being and the dignity of individuals, families, youth and humanity as a whole.
Let’s support the Catholic Church of Montreal in its mission to serve and respond to the needs of our community.
Together, with the grace of God, we can meet these challenges.
June 27, 2021
Villa Saint Martin: Spring & Summer Retreats
Villa Saint Martin: Spring & Summer Retreats
“Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while” (Mark 6:31)
The Villa Saint Martin invites you to come and rest a while with God during one of their individually accompanied retreats taking place from May to August 2021.
Retreats vary from 3 to 30 days long. Retreats take place in a peaceful and quiet environment respecting all Covid-19 guidelines and help you to deepen your relationship with God For information and registration, please visit www.villasaintmartin.org
or contact the registrar by:
phone (514-684-2311 ext.227) or
email registraire@villasaintmartin.org

June 27, 2021
Family Camp Season: Camp Kinkora
We’re back… and this summer and we’re all about FAMILY
Leave your pandemic stress behind and spend a week with us! A seven-week Family Camp Season will be offered from July 5 to August 21.
We are offering families an opportunity to rent a cabin for five nights/six days to enjoy the natural beauty and splendour of Kinkora, while respecting government COVID guidelines. This includes the limit of one family per cabin. Families must bring their own food, however…continental breakfast will be delivered to the cabin each morning (included in the price) Activities will be held in family bubbles. Social-distancing is to be practiced at all times. As government COVID restrictions evolve between now and July, these guidelines are subject to change.
For information and registration,
please visit www.campkinkora.com
or contact anna@campkinkora.com
Tel: 514-543-6683

The diocese has created a spiritual help‑line to offer support during the pandemic: 1‑888‑305‑0994.
Our Archdiocese has also set up a web page designed to provide ongoing relevant information amid current COVID‑19 concerns, including the latest guidelines, related articles and spiritual resources >>>