May 31, 2020
Father MacEachen will privately celebrate Mass daily, including the Announced Masses for the requested intentions.
Saturday, May 30
4:30 Paul Watson by Dr. Gaston and Maria Schwarz
Sunday, May 31
10:30 John Pepper by Louise Vidricaire
Monday, June 1
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
9:00 Jean Vanier by Joseph Blain
Tuesday, June 2
St. Marcellinus & St. Peter, martyrs
9:00 John Pepper by Louise Vidricaire
Wednesday, June 3
St. Charles Lwanga & Companions
9:00 Françoise Champlong by Dr. Gaston and Maria Schwarz
Thursday, June 4
9:00 Françoise Champlong by Dr. Gaston and Maria Schwarz
Friday, June 5
St. Boniface
9:00 Françoise Champlongby Dr. Gaston and Maria Schwarz
Saturday, June 6
St. Norbert
4:30 Flora and Harold Mathie by Maureen and Ron Blizchuk