JUNE 28, 2020
Father MacEachen will privately celebrate Mass daily, including the Announced Masses for the requested intentions.
Saturday, June 27
Bl. Nykyta Budka and Vasyl Velychkovsky
St. Cyril of Alexandria
4:30 Special intention for Gary Cross by Maureen and Ron Blizchuk
Sunday, June 28
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:30 Elizabeth Pilley by Kathleen Toomey
Monday, June 29
St. Peter and St. Paul, apostles
9:00 Albert Liston by Frances deVerteuil
Tuesday, June 30
The First martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
9:00 For a Special Intention
Wednesday, July 1
Canada Day
9:00 John Pepper by Fr. MacEachen
Thursday, July 2
9:00 Lorraine Boychuk by her Friends
Friday, July 3
St. Thomas, apostle
9:00 Olga Stanimir by Fr. MacEachen
Saturday, July 4
St. Elizabeth of Portugal
4:30 Gabor de Heinrich by MaryLou and Antonio Sacconaghi