MARCH 24, 2024
Saturday, March 23
4:30 p.m. Lucille Lawson-Rochon by Teresa Rochon and Eddie Leschiutta
Sunday, March 24
Palm Sunday of the Passion of The Lord
10:30 a.m. Maria Birks by Doreen Chartier
Monday, March 25
Holy Week
Saint Dismas
9:00 a.m. John Smith by Catherine O’Flynn
Tuesday, March 26th
Holy Week
9:00 a.m. Paul Dingle by Martha and David Barrington
Wednesday, March 27
9:00 a.m. Annette de Verteuil by Frances de Verteuil
Holy Thursday, March 28
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7:00 p.m. Ulric de Verteuil
Good Friday, March 29
3:00 p.m. Passion of The Lord Solemn Service
Saturday, March 30
Easter Saturday
Easter Vigil, The Resurrection of The Lord Our Saviour
7:00 p.m. Gerry Moylan
Sunday, March 31
Easter Sunday
The Resurrection of The Lord Our Saviour
10:30 a.m. Hugh Auger by Bonnie Auger and Family