APRIL 4, 2021
Today, we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ!
Our readings today reveal how we can live out the joy of Easter all year long in our day-to-day lives.
Our Gospel portrays the third day after Jesus’ death when Mary of Magdala visits Jesus’ tomb.

Once she saw the stone removed, Mary ran to tell Simon Peter and John. They ran to the tomb as well, and upon seeing, they believed. We can tell the relationship that these disciples had with Jesus because of the way they responded about Him — they “ran.” Mary didn’t see the empty tomb and think, “someone else will figure it out.” Peter and John didn’t hear the news and think, “I will check on it later.” They each responded with conviction as they “ran” for Jesus.
We must ask ourselves, “Do I have a relationship with Christ to the point where I am running to Him each day?” The way these disciples responded is how we should respond to Christ. We must avoid complacency, and as intentional disciples, we must stop rationalizing our choices by telling ourselves we will someday get around to putting God first. Every moment throughout our day is an opportunity to respond to God in gratitude, compassion and eagerness. And although there will be moments when we do not “feel” like responding to Him, it is in those moments when we faithfully respond anyway that matters the most.
Let us celebrate this glorious day with prayer and feasting, for Christ is risen! And let us strive to carry this Easter joy with us all year long by how we respond to Christ each day.
Happy Easter!