Giving up possessions is a huge demand of Jesus. It can be misunderstood and cause grief.
What Jesus means is that we identify what it is in us that may block us being his disciples.
Wealth may provide comfort status in society or the Church, security, or whatever centres our concerns, and whatever keeps us from acting justly with and for others.
Giving up possessions is a huge demand of Jesus. It can be misunderstood and cause grief. What Jesus means is that we identify what it is in us that may block us being his disciples. Wealth may provide comfort status in society or the Church, security, or whatever centres our concerns, and whatever keeps us from acting justly with and for others.
Created in the likeness of God, we are created good. In each of us is the desire to nourish what is good and best in us. We wish to do the same for our children, our pupils or anyone in our care.
We nourish the good in ourselves by prayer, community by good deeds and an honourable way of life. We watch the example of Jesus and listen to how he teaches us in his stories. Today he asks us to know ourselves, just like the man building a tower plans what he has and what he can do.
Our goodness in life is a gift from God. We find goodness also in each other. Good people make good people better! Saints we like show us a way to God and inspire us, and even help us. The gospel is full of people trying to do their best and learning with fresh starts and after their mistakes how to follow Jesus.
Goodness is vulnerable. We can try our best and fail. We make promises that don’t last despite our best efforts. In the eyes of God goodness is in what we do and in what we try to do. God sees the goodness of the heart.
Lord give us a desire for the good in our lives
and help us live by your good gospel.