OCTOBER 16, 2022
We like people with backbone,
the courage of their convictions; who follow through on what they say they will do, who are not wishy-washy.
Jesus was like that.
He feels a fire in his heart, in his belly and he wants it to be lit.
The fire is the fire of justice – wanting the justice this widow was due. The job of the judge at that time was to care for the widow and orphan, the neglected ones of society.
She had a right to his assistance.

What he stands for, the church stands for, even with opposition. This is a culture which supports life at all stages; which speaks out against any injustice; which supports love and wants to encourage relationships of real and genuine love. Its views on sexuality and sexual relationships will mirror that, in a world where sex can be casually viewed and used. The Church supports the elderly, and a culture of sharing rather than accumulation of wealth; works and supports peace in the wold; and joins the fire of Jesus to bring the reign of God alive in the world.
The fire of Jesus is the fire of love, compassion and justice – three core values of the Christian and the Church. We need to keep all that alive and not get caught up in administration and buildings, even overriding regrets about the past.
Can we hope that we can be a Church that fulfils and makes alive the the best of the fire of Jesus? He ‘has come to bring fire to the earth’ and wants it to be kindled.
Lord, may your kingdom come.