May 22, 2022
Please join us for the Official Campaign Closure Ceremony.
Sunday, May 22 at 10am
We’ll be celebrating our Capital Campaign’s resounding success, thanks to the generosity of our parishioners and supporters.
Ascension of Our Lord Parish launched a 1-million-dollar Capital Campaign on May 29, 2019, and we have exceeded our goal and successfully completed the projects put forward in the Case for Support. The leaking Bell Tower has been repaired and all the exterior walls of the church have been repointed. The church pews have been refurbished and the linoleum flooring beneath them has been replaced. With help from the Conseil du patrimoine religieux du Québec, all five phases of Casavant’s proposal for the restoration of our Opus 1344 organ have been realized.
The proceedings will unfold as follows:
10:10 am
Mini-concert/recital presented by the Ascension of Our Lord Choir and organist Joel Peters.
10:30 am
Sunday Mass. Following the reading of the Gospel, Campaign co-chairs John Peacock and Barbara Cefis will address the congregation.
11:15 am
Before issuing the final dismissal, Fr. MacEachen will invite the congregation to be seated, and organist Joel Peters will play pieces especially chosen to highlight the clarity, conciseness, and flexibility of the restored organ.
11:45 am
Following Joel’s performance, all will be invited to the back of the church to look at the Donor Recognition Book and to enjoy the reception organized to mark the closure of the Campaign.